June Favorites

1:54 AM

Happy July and happy birthday month to me! I am finally back with a monthly favorite. I know I skipped last month because there has been way too much going on and I haven't even had much time to test out anything to add to my favorites. But for this month, I do have a handful to talk about!
SanDisk iXpand

  • Zico Natural Coconut Water
    • How did I just discover coconut water?! Coconut water has been around but I never bothered trying it out until my school was passing out bottles of Zico's coconut water. I liked it so much I went to Costco and bought a full box–now I'm totally hooked. 
  • SanDisk iXpand for iPhone
    • Technology is only getting better because this little device is so handy! I think we all have been waiting for an invention like this. This flash drive is amazing if your iPhone storage is limited and you take a lot of photos on the go because then you can transfer all your photos to this flash drive at your convenience. This is especially useful when you're attending concerts. I remembered running out of storage when I was taking so many photos for the Beyoncé & Jay-Z concert. Anyways, I highly recommend this!
  • WhoWhatWear for Target Cape Blazer
    • Now that I have to dress in business casual, I have been shopping the WhoWhatWear Collection at Target a lot (I do love Zara, too!). The collection has a ton of pieces that are versatile for day and work. I especially love this cape blazer; I think it's so unique and I feel like batman in it.
  • Alexander Wang Mini Rockie in Navy (similar here)
    • I love, love the AW Rocco/Rockie, but the Mini Rockie is by far my favorite size of the style. I find the Rocco/Rockie too heavy and bulky for my liking, but the Mini Rockie is just right. I've had my eye on the navy one since the beginning of the season and was finally able to get my hands on it during the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale. 
  • Ray-Ban 'Original Aviator' in Black
    • Everyone needs at least one pair of Ray-Ban aviators. I came across a ton at Nordstrom Rack for only $80 each and had to leave with three pairs. The black pair is currently favorite! I ended up finding these with the polarized lenses, too. Ray-Ban aviators are definitely a classic and the black is totally edgy in a subtle way compared to something like the Dior So Real in my collection. 
  • Balenciaga Papier Mini A4 in Black
    • I haven't put this one to use yet, but this was by far the steal of the month. While this is still retailing for almost $1,400 on Neiman Marcus' website, I got this one for just a little under $600 at Nordstrom–all because a very generous buddy of mine on Instagram told me it was available! The size is comparable to the Céline Nano, but the wings have a zipper so this one can hold up a bit more. 
What were your June favorites?

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